What does BJK mean?

Last updated : 28 March 2007 By Clydebuilt
 Jock Stein and Willie Waddell lift bodies onto stretchers after the Ibrox disaster in 1971

As we are all aware, the BJK acronym has been showing its ugly, ugly head for some time now. With Rangers fans being arrested at the recent match at Parkhead whilst attempting to unfurl a banner reminding us of how our Greatest Ever Manager was part of a conspiracy to cover up the antics of Jim Torbett this 'initiative' has now reached fever pitch.

Upon browsing the Celtic pages of the very entertaining Wikipedia site on Sunday I noticed that some interlopers had edited several of the pages to furnish the inclusion of BJK with a link to someone's personal webpage with stories and Press Cuttings from the time.

It is important to truly understand what it is that they are attempting to do with this campaign.
They are clearly attempting to besmirch the Clubs image by bringing to everyone's attention their opinion that Celtic covered up this issue.
They are also decrying the point that, according to a newspaper report of the time, Jock Stein was aware of the abuse. They further believe that the great man neglected to do anything about it.

There has been a bit of discussion on other websites regarding how we, the Celtic Support tackle this defamation of the Legend that is Jock Stein.

One school of thought has it that they should be ignored. To comment on this issue would be to add credence to the claims and spurious allegations.

Another school of thought is that we should 'commandeer' the letters. If we were to use them for the good of the Celtic cause then the impact they attempted to garner for it would be somewhat negated. I.e. "Big Jock Knew how to beat the Rangers" or "Big Jock Knew how to win the big cup". More simply a banner with the acronym displayed proudly on it with a picture of the great man and all the trophies he won.

My personal opinion is that we make no action but allow them to continue on their hate filled rollercoaster ride! Much like the BNP, they will do themselves more damage if they are given a voice than if they were silenced.

The facts of the matter are simple, their entire campaign is based on one premise, they are attempting to make their football team appear superior by celebrating paedophilia! And this premises shows that they will stoop to any level to attempt to take the moral high ground. I for one think that we should allow them to continue.

It's all about opinions though, let's see what you all think about this and many other issues! Why not join us in the message board to debate this and many other issues relating to our great club.

And for the benefit of any Rangers fans lurking on this page, or for the benefit of any Tims out their fighting the good fight on this issue, here is a little picture for any one in any doubt of the humility of the man.

Yours in Celtic
