Lennon To Sue Daily Record

Last updated : 02 March 2004 By Kevin Smith
Celtic midfielder Neil Lennon is going to sue Scottish newspaper the Daily Record, in an English court of law.

The court case will take place due to incidents which happened during the Celtic squad's Christmas night out in December 2002. Neil Lennon, Joos Valgaeren and Bobby Petta were all detained in a Newcastle Police station, as a Daily Record photographer filed a complaint against the Celtic players, for the supposed theft of his camera equipment.

The following day, the Record printed the three players' faces, under the headline "Thugs and Thieves." They claimed that every Celtic player who was in Newcastle that night would be questioned by Police regarding the allegations.

Lennon, Petta and Valgaeren were all released without charge the following morning, prompting the Daily Record into an apology to the players.

Many Celtic supporters have chosen to boycott the newspaper, and this boycott should still go on. Valgaeren and Petta are likely to sue the Record in seperate cases.

Lennon's case will go ahead in a London court room, unless the Daily Record make a suitable offer of compensation to the Irishman.

Good luck to Lennon for the case, and remember - The Daily Record: Real Tims Don't Read It!