Fed up yet with glorious failures?

Last updated : 08 March 2007 By Jack Kennedy
What a night we had in Milan. And the support are still partying on the way home. We have decided to play Devils Advocate today and Let you see a post from our forum which has got everyone talking, (Well arguing really).

Some great points and perhaps some not so great ones. You can see the replies in full on our messageboard at www.cybertims.com and you can also tell us your views on the subject of fans being fed up with glorious defeats.

The post is unedited.

Well? yet another glorious failure and how will the world remember it? Yep a failure. BUT All things considered its still great to br a Tim. We have a team that for the first time in years looked as if they could have a chance in an Away game. We have the makings of a good defence and in Naylor and McManus we are looking strong.. We have a support that got a round of applause from the Milan fans and who partied all night and will no doubt continue to do so.

On the bad side we have Evander Sno who at least ten times totally sold the Jerseys and who was always going to lose us a goal. He is without doubt one of the worst players in the squad. We have a manager who on one hand set the team up well and who was tactically fairly sound. Yet on the other hand played a totally knackered JVOH for 40 minutes more than he could handle. We also have a Japanese superstar who disappeared totally on the big stage and did his Kenny Miller Headless chicken impersonation.

Glorious defeats are great for a few years but after a while you get fed up with them. We cant compete with teams Like Milan and in truth they were twice as good as us and it was only hard work and guts that got us a performance. Our skill level was very low and its skill that wins the games. Hard work and the will to win is ok for the spl but we are very far short of the stuff needed to compete in Europe.

Great performance? No it wasn't. Look at it from a neutrals point of view and we were mince. from a romantic point of view we are an underdog with the best support in the world and at the weekend we will all be buzzing again.

AGAIN BUT. We held a very good team to a draw and right up to the end we were always in with a chance of snatching something. Most if not all of the players ran their guts out and the support again showed we are the best fans around.
The team will get a deserved ovation on Sunday and this campaign will be remembered as a good one. Unfortunately for us we are a BIG team in a shite league and as long as we are in the SPL tonights result will probably look like a victory to a lot of people. As long as we are in the SPL glorious defeats are as good as it gets.

The above post has not been edited. So what do you think? A brilliant point that we are happy with failure? Or was it indeed a victory for the teams standing in Europe? Have your say and read the responses on