Come On The Hoops Banner Competition

Last updated : 17 January 2005 By Kevin Smith
Myself and MinceCFC are currently working on upgrading the Come On The Hoops photo page. At the moment, the site, does not allow us to hold many files, and we can only show the last five or six games in photographs.

Our new site will have a much larger capacity, and will feature photos from most of this season's games, and video archives from MinceCFC.

We are looking for someone to help us out with the website header, or banner. If you've got a knack for this kind of thing, why not make one up? If chosen it will be the header for our other site, which attracts visitors from all over the globe.

If you fancy it, send your files in an email attchment as a jpeg to the email address below. The banner must be 800 x 100 pixels, the background colour for the website is green. The banner must show the address and it can feature anything you like connected with Celtic.

If you are interested, please email your entries to along with your name (if you wish) and/or your messageboard moniker. Closing date for entries is Monday 31st January.

Good luck and Hail Hail!