Artur Boruc Gives his Opinion on the Scottish Media

Last updated : 13 June 2008 By Clydebuilt
Artur Boruc has stated that he doesn't care about the Scottish Media's portrayal of him as some kind of antagonistic character. Speaking to a Polish Journalist who is following the squad during Euro 2008 the new dad stated "I don't give a shit".

Furthermore Artur stated that he accuses Scottish media of being pro-Rangers and claims that if it was Celtic which lost the Uefa Cup final there would be no excuses for the team's poor performance The Polish journalist displayed his disbelief that the Media here in Scotland could even attempt to justify such an unadventurous team performance in a major final.

Speaking of Journalists, Keith Jackson of the paper the Huns refer to as "The Daily Rhebel (???) has hereby cancelled his membership of the fine wine and succulent lamb brigade in today's edition of recycled toilet roll. In his article today he states that Walter Smith will have a limited budget of only 6M in which to buy new players, stating "Smith is working on a shoestring budget of his own this summer and - with little more than £6m available to him"

So what happened to the 30M that you were proclaiming the day after the UEFA Cup Final Keith?

Things continue to boil over at the Death Star as the RST continue their quest for world domination, with Darth Edgar continuing to show his prowess at shooting himself, his organisation and ultimately his club in the foot. After his comments earlier in the week relating to the RST's latest campaign to rid the universe of anti Rangers mentalities (you could probably help that cause by disappearing) it has been revealed in an email to a trust member that the recent stepping down of members was due to many of them being uncomfortable with a power struggle at the heart of the 'trust' in which the remaining members are prescribing a more "militant" approach.

Would this be something along the lines of your ill advised speech about Rangers Fans reacting with "civil disturbance" after the banning of the Billy Boys. Keith Jackson of the Record would be well advised to ask Darth Edgar about transfer budgets, as his predictions seem to come true eventually.

Yours in Celtic
