The Ballad Of Jean-Claude

Last updated : 21 July 2008 By Clydebuilt
Oh poor Jean Claude, he is such a fat sod. He resembles a once funny man

He joined a shite team, one you can't gleam, and nobody ever can

He ate and he ate, until he gained weight and now he cant run his own height.

So all he can do is to bitch to me and you about how his own team are shite!

So what to make of the fat Eddie Murphy then? I am sure Mr Wimpey could give us a few suggestions of his own but I think we should give him his own weekly column; such was the joy and humour one could derive from the tubby hitman's comments at the weekend.

You cant beat listening to a hurting Rangers player bemoan how his team were disadvantaged, especially since they were ultimately architects of their own demise with their match rearranging and the two free midweek's that they were curiously afforded in December when the Champions were forced to play a match every three days for a five week period.

Lets take a look at what the fat sage had to say:

"The Celtic fans know that had Rangers played the same amount of games as Celtic, then Rangers would have won the league easily. I went home after the Aberdeen game and I wasn't happy because my team had lost the SPL title. But afterwards, in bed, I could still see game after game in my head and knew we had lost the title because everyone was too tired.

"You could see the Celtic fans after winning their final game. They may have just won the championship but this year they were not so happy, because I am sure they know they only won the SPL because Rangers players played too many games."

So what were we supposed to do? Your team had managed to get to a European final Darche. Were we to play bounce matches each week in order to balance the lethargy levels? Should you have been automatically gifted points as a result of the amount of games you had to play?

The mirth continues:

Man for man, I think that Rangers was better last season but we played too many games. When the team won the Scottish Cup, no one had the strength to lift the trophy! Too many players were simply too tired."

"Last season I am sure Rangers were better than Celtic. This season, I will have to wait and see because Celtic will have some new players. But after five or six games you can quickly see signs of who is emerging as the best.
"Celtic and Rangers also meet four times in the SPL and, after all of these games, you should be able to tell who is better."

So, if Rangers were the better team based on your "man for man" analysis then why do you have to wait and see who Celtic will sign before you cast your vote for this season? If Rangers were a better team "man for man" then surely Celtic would require to replace the entire squad to be supreme, wouldn't they?

Here is a point for you Jean-Claude. Were you fit enough to last 90 minutes maybe you could have scored a couple of extra goals and turned some of those defeats into victories. Had you manager been a little bit more tactically adventurous maybe he would have won a few more games.

Get over it, but keep the comments coming!

Yours in Celtic
