Spiritual progress washed away by 40,000 huns and a freak goal

Last updated : 14 May 2009 By Mikbhoy
First published on monthehoops.co.uk a few days ago but published again here on Celtic-mad for those who may have missed it.

Years of spiritual progress washed away
by 40,000 huns and a freak goal.
Following our recent, and very painful, defeat at the "Hundome" I felt really down, bad and obviously disappointed. After the game I read many angry, frustrated messages on Facebook, in various Celtic web sites most of them directed at Strachan's team selection.

I was also really stunned when I learned that Aiden was left out of the team (I wished to see Maloney playing but not in Aiden's place for sure) but I must say that soon after the game was over my brain and heart took over my guts.

While I understand the fans' frustration I would like to remind them that, for me, being Celtic Supporter means more than a win or a loss. I was there during the barren years of the Souness's Huns in a Row, the unbelievable Neuchatel debacle and so many embarrassing moments. How can we forget we went so close to bankruptcy and never, never did I ever say anything against Celtic. My love for the CLUB goes far beyond that, we are not a simple football team, we are much more than that.

We have to stand by the team through good and bad, I may like a player or not but as long as he wears the hoops (I suppose everyone remembers Wayne Biggins and the Biscuit Tin Regime) I will support him. For me that is what Celtic is about, so dear Bhoy and Ghirls please, keep the faith.

Am I with Strachan or against him? Its not important as I am a Celtic Supporter first and most of all. Of course I would like to see a few players leave in the summer but until then they will wear the hoops and I will be right behind them, hoping they may understand what it means to play for Glasgow Celtic.

Surely we are all disappointed, we had great expectations and this makes our anger even bigger. And because of these disappointed expectations another reflection came in my eternally poor, old and defective brain. Well, after having lived years in rural Thailand, seeing the real struggle and pain of a few people and kids, after having come close to these people's culture I can't help wonder about my current feelings and where our priorities lie (try to explain being disappointed for a football game to Chinjan, a 10 years old girl who is fighting against cancer since 2 years and who because of this got her leg amputated)!

Living in my poor and dusty village just increased my awareness and knowledge of Buddhist Culture (and I repeat "culture" and not religion) which is, unfortunately, really in contrast with my current feelings. Like many of my fellow Bhoys and Ghirls, I was watching the game on Channel 67 but with 5 minutes to go I disconnected and switched off the computer, but not because I was angry with the team or because we were losing … it was simply because I could not stand listening to the Huns singing! I could not stand seeing them so triumphant (when, after all they didn't deserve to win).

I was sad because we were losing but mostly I was angry with those people in blue, I hated them and that is totally against Buddha's teachings (and Jesus' by the way). I wondered if the Dalai Lama would support Celtic (and I think he does as every good person does it, in any case he couldn't be a Hun) how would he react? My feelings were the total opposite of what I do believe and try to achieve (I am a great Gandhi fan) and I felt like years of attempted spiritual progress were washed away by a freak goal and 40.000 people in blue!

I hated them but at the same time I hated to hate them but, once again, at the same time I know this will never change. Buddhism teaches us the concept of acceptance so I believe that the sooner I accept that I hate the Huns the better it is. I surely can accept we lost a game and that there are good chances we lost the league, even though its really hard to swallow and difficult to accept but this is a reality that unfortunately we can't change. Acceptance helps!

No expectations, no disappointments this is a really simple (and true) law to understand and observe but how can we not have expectation when we support Celtic? So better we learn to deal with disappointments as we did in the past and we all know that we have been through some of them over the years!

Am I a Strachanite or an anti-Strachanite? As long he is Celtic Manager I will back him because I LOVE CELTIC most of all, I also remember that many of us were against the late, beloved and great Tommy Burns when he was our manager, many of them are now missing him and acknowledge him as one of the greatest Celts ever!

One thing I know for sure is that we will get through this as we always do, and whatever happens in the next 3 games, next season THE GREAT GLASGOW CELTIC WILL BE THERE simply because WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED, NEVER!.

C'mon my fellow Bhoys and Ghirls, get behind the team and always be proud to be Celtic Supporters.

Claudio Romano

Claudio Romano is a Swiss bhoy who lives and works in Thailand. He's the founder and president of the Sainam Foundation http://www.sainam.net/index.php which is a charitable organisation which mostly helps children who have been orphaned or abandoned by their parents or are just extremely poor. They provide scholarships, developmental assistance and medical care for the neediest people.

The latest youtube update from Sainam can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfvZHha2EkU


claudio@sainam.net / claudio.sainam@gmail.com

http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=619063181 /
